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Turkey — roasted or fried? Cornbread dressing, stuffing, or green bean casserole? Pumpkin pie or sweet potato pie? I’m camp sweet potato – what about you? Now, I’m also hungry, what about you? It’s almost Thanksgiving and the holidays are a time when we eat those special dishes but we can also undo all of the hard work we have put in earlier in the year. Enjoy your holidays, but I want to give you three tips to help you start navigating the holidays like a champ.

1. Water, water, water!

Many of our favorite dishes have lots of salt and that can cause increased blood pressure, cause weight gain, and bloating. Use water to help flush some of this salt from your system and you can even use water to curb your appetite. Drink a glass before you eat and you will find yourself eating less. Need help calculating your daily intake of water? Try this calculator.

2. Eat a little of it all.

It’s those dishes we don’t prepare or eat year-round so enjoy them; eat a little of it all, but…

3. Once it’s done, it’s done.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are one day! Enjoy that day, but don’t make it a 2-month event. Enjoy it and move on. 

Depriving yourself is not the key to navigating the holidays, planning and control are. Taking a little time to think about what and how you will eat will help you be successful and still enjoy the favorite treats of the season.

Best of Health, 

Dr. K Lev

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