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Have you ever wondered how gym rats and athletes do it day after day? How do football, basketball, or tennis players keep doing it? What about weekend warriors like me? Well, for me, the answer is “chilling out”. We went on location to Restore Hyper Wellness + Cryotherapy in Little Rock, Arkansas. We will look at three services that I use to keep me going and help me recover and maintain my active lifestyle: assisted stretching, cryotherapy, and compression therapy.  

1. Assisted Stretching

Don’t underestimate the benefits of stretching. It is often overlooked or skipped as a part of your recovery regimen. I can’t express how important it is to make time for it.

Stretching works to reduce: 

  • the risk of injury
  • back pain
  • muscle tension while increasing flexibility

Because we are all sitting more — whether at a desk, at home, or even driving in our cars — we need ways to stretch and loosen those tight muscles of the hips, quads, hamstrings, shoulders, and back. 

2. Cryotherapy

Using cold therapy helps to reduce inflammation and pain, boost energy and metabolism, and increase the body’s natural healing abilities. It keeps me going day after day, so I can withstand the physical demands of training clients. 

This is also helpful for that muscle and joint pain that creeps in. I prefer to treat the full body to get the maximum benefits.  

3. Compression Therapy

This feels so good! It uses three distinct compression techniques to speed the body’s normal recovery process. This maximizes circulation throughout the body to help you feel better, train harder, and recover faster.  It also increases flexibility, blood flow, and that dreaded reduce soreness. 

I introduced you to three of my go-to services but they have many more. I encourage you to go by and check out their services to help restore your health! 

Best of health!

Dr. K Lev 

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