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Anybody besides me tired of COVID-19? I am so tired of it too – we all are! BUT, we must stay vigilant and follow the recommendations given to us to keep us safe. 

We have so many changes coming at us right now…new words like social distancing, new ways of doing things like doing Zoom calls, and even new wardrobe items like masks! Changes are coming from all directions. Our normals are all new.

During this time, it can be challenging to focus on managing your health – your spiritual health, mental health, and physical health.   We are going to discuss maintaining your physical health during this pandemic.  

Let’s talk about the dreaded COVID-15… yes, the pandemic is COVID-19, but we want to avoid gaining the COVID-15. 

I am going to give you five tips that you can implement while we are sheltered in place or developing a new routine in this COVID-19 normal. 

1. Drink plenty of water.

The average person needs one gallon of water daily. Drinking it throughout the day will help suppress your appetite. When we’re thirsty, we have already reached the 1st stage of dehydration. As a result, the body craves sugar when it is actually crying out for water.

2. Devote 30 minutes to exercise or moderate activity at least five days weekly.

Remember, exercise is not just for weight loss or maintenance, but by doing so, we also lower the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, & depression. There are many options, like walking, cycling, swimming, or gardening

3. Develop the habit of eating smaller portions during meals.

You can do this by using smaller plates or simply not going back for a second helping. Plan & prepare your meals and limit eating out – and now, take out!  It helps your waistline AND keeps money in your pocket.

4. Do some research by reading your food labels.

Pay attention to your serving size. Most packages have more than one serving. Also, look for how much sugar and saturated fats are listed. One teaspoon of sugar = 5 grams, the average soda has about 35-40 grams of sugar and that’s equivalent to 7-8 teaspoons of sugar.

5. Diet: Stands for Determine (How) I Eat Today.

When most people hear diet, they think of deprivation. Let’s work on changing our thought process when we hear DIET. The Pareto principle in marketing tells us that 80% of the result usually comes from 20% of the effort put in. This principle has been applied to various areas. In the fitness industry, we refer to the Pareto principle as the 80/20 Rule. Eat nutritiously 80% of the time, allowing for 20% indulgence. Eating three meals a day equals 21 meals a week. 80% would be 17 healthy meals and four fewer healthy meals. Now if we gorge on pizza, fries, burgers, ice cream, for those meals, we undo the 80%.

* Challenge: Try the 80/20 Rule: It will help with overall better health, lowering the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. 

For more information on dealing with the stress of COVID, visit the CDC website here.

Best of health! 

Dr. K Lev

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